Rough Crowd #3: Punching

Our third Rough Crowd will be all about Punching. Some ideas about punching just off the cuff (lol – get it? cuff? punching? No? OK, nevermind.):

  • how hard or soft to hit
  • techniques for accuracy and safety
  • punching styles (martial arts, boxing, just fucking around, etc.)
  • um… safety
  • d) other (you fill in here – what do you want to see about punching?) Discuss.

More details are in the event posting itself, so go read it and sign up!

Special Guest Experts:

We’ll have my very own @lilboxer ready to hop in the ring; for those who don’t know her, her name isn’t lilboxer for nothing. Well have her on hand as a resource in case anyone wants to talk about proper boxing form, wrapping hands, using boxing gloves, etc. And she’s cute.
Our resident medical advisor will be on hand to share some of the real 411 to prevent the 911. @ chidomnurse is a real nurse specializing in trauma, emergency, and critical care transport. So he knows stuff, you know?

A Favor:

Rough Crowd is successful because you guys make it successful. When I post these things, they get as far as the people I know on my own feed, and the few groups I post them in (which I try never to do more than once).

You can help! You can help get the word out by posting about Rough Crowd, and linking to this discussion or the event page above, in any local groups you’re a part of. That helps spread the word beyond my own personal network and we can reach a larger crowd. Post away!

Hope to see a bunch of you guys in August,
