Rough Crowd Academy

Rough Crowd meets monthly in Chicago, but why keep all the fun and knowledge to ourselves? There’s also a weekend-long version that takes the show on the road: the Rough Crowd Academy.

So far, there have been Road Trips to Detroit, Boston, and Minneapolis, and one to Toronto will start 2013.

Rough Crowd Academy schedule generally looks something like this:


Evening: Meet and Greet at a local bar, restaurant, watering hole, dive, or disreputable pool hall. Your choice!


Day: Classes (10:00 to 6:00? 8:00? Up to you.)

Evening: Play party (hey, let’s use what we just learned!)


Breakfast together. Decompress, connect, discuss. Maybe some eggs.

You can see some of the past Rough Crowd Academies here (or by going to Archives –> by Type… –> Rough Crowd Academy).

If you’d like to bring a Rough Crowd Academy to your area, contact Roughinamorato and start a dialog. It’s easy and fun, and there’s smacking and yelping, too.