On Consent and Connecting

Sometimes people come to Rough Crowd with a partner or a group of friends, and they have someone to practice with. Sometimes people come solo. Both are fantastic ways to come to Rough Crowd and both are welcomed.

When workshops have practice time, sometimes people who came solo will ask other people if they want to practice together, and sometimes that works out fine. That’s great!

However, please remember that nobody ever has to do anything they don’t want to do at Rough Crowd (or, really, anywhere). If someone asks you to practice together and you don’t feel comfortable with them, prefer just watching others practice today, have a partner who couldn’t come and you have an exclusive relationship, or just don’t fucking feel like it, no reason or justification is necessary. Ever. A simple “no thank you” is all that is ever needed – no reason is needed or more relevant than you just don’t want to.

It’s great to make new friends at Rough Crowd, but it is not meant to be a place to pick people up or be picked up; that expectation creates the wrong atmosphere and we don’t want anyone to ever feel uncomfortable while they’re at Rough Crowd. If anyone ever makes you feel uncomfortable please come find an organizer or assistant as soon as you’re able and tell them. We have Code of Conduct; do check it out.

Please note that this also applies to before or after an event. Going through the list of who’s going on FetLife and messaging all of them is just creepy, so please do not. Similarly, if you got a message from anyone about meeting you at Rough Crowd and it made you uncomfortable, please feel free to message us directly about it. And most importantly, please know that inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated at Rough Crowd. Ever.